Sock a Month Knitalong 3

Thursday, March 22, 2007

My Coffee Socks

Coffee socks?? Huh?? No, I'm not insane. I have a perfectly sane reason to call these coffee socks! They're made from Plymouth's Sockotta cotton blend, and they contain all of my favorite colors! I got the yarn from a swap on (I love that place!)

My feuding and badly behaved female cats had a fight on the table next to my bed and proceeded to knock an entire cup of coffee on them (the finished sock, the partial sock and the rest of the skein....they didn't waste a drop!) before I had gotten to the heel of the second one. Luckily I don't use sugar in my coffee so I didn't have to worry about ants! However, when they dried the OVERWHELMING ODOR of old coffee was all over the remaining skein!! Yuck!! I don't even know what the colors will look like after I finally wash them. I am so glad to be done with these!!!

Thanks for looking.....everyone's socks look great!!

Liz R my blog:


At 1:48 PM, Blogger lexa said...

Once in awhile my cats get at my yarn. Not a lot, I usually don't leave it out where they can get at it, but sometimes they steal the stuff that is all wool or high wool content out of my knitting basket. They had great fun one night with a Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock sock. So far they haven't upset coffee on my knitting. :)


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